Here is my play by play of Танцюють Всi along with videos from their website!
I dressed in my Wonder Woman gear--Wonder Woman boots that I had custom made for me here in Ukraine, red/white purse, and white undershirt/red overshirt. I found my way to the fourth row, and sat next to Alla, a woman I met right then and there. We talked about dance, she told me her daughter wasn't interested in coming, and that this was her second event. We had a fun time talking.
It was supposed to start at 7pm, but it was closer to 7:15 when they actually started.
Everyone came out dressed like the Nut Cracker--the red and white soldier outfits. It was really exciting to watch, and the host participated in the dance! It was so different seeing in real life--you could focus on whomever you wanted, and you could really get the energy from the dancers! This video shows a show opening that looked exactly like what we had.
The dance after that was a 2-guy dance with Oleksander and Sasha. It was a swing/tap dance number if you only watch a few, this is completely worth watching. I could completely see Tranji doing it.
After that, they transitioned to a freaking sweet Argentinian tango piece with Colya and Toni. Amazing. She came in sweeping the floor and he was a douchey customer at a table. RED HOT!This one is way hotter than any other Argentinian tango I've seen on the American SYTYCD. Actually, it may just be regular tango.
This was followed by a pretty, contemporary dance with Michael and Dasha.
Sasha and Mariam did a really fun hip hop number to Rama Lama Bang Bang.
There was a super sweet number here using a table--I originally thought it would be a rip off of the table dance from the American version, but it wasn't--and it kicked ass, but I can't find any video.
A group number! This is one of my favorites: GLADIATORS! If you only see one number, this is the one to see
Max and Olya did a pretty cool contemporary number where she has a mirror and he's trying to get in the way of her mirror.
Olexander and Tonya did my favorite swing number!
Zhenya and Maria did an emotional waltz. Not sure if I totally got the story, but it looked like she received some letter saying he was going off to war.
A super fun and funky group contemporary number where everyone was dressed as bugs. They came out from the audience! It was really cool!
Masha and Denis did a fun modern dance number where she was dressed as a violin and he was the violinist.
Max and Toni did this really cool "voodoo horror" jazz piece. They made fun use of a cauldron and voodoo doll.
I'm really bummed that I can't find these next two dances as videos. The first was a women's only number. They were dressed as flappers and they danced to All That Jazz.
Then the men came out, dressed as 30's gangsters and did a dance to Wild Wild West.
Dasha and Michael did a Broadway Vampire number to KISS by Tom Jones.
Sasha and Vika came out and did a cool JIVE number that started out on a couch
Olya and Olexander had a super emotional modern number that has what appears to be a cool storyline: he dies in a car crash and she is left to mourn him.
They had two other cool numbers in here. The first was a group number that was set to the sound of wind and it was a contemporary number. Pretty sweet.
Then there was a really really strange number with these aliens? two people were dressed in blue latex and danced with dress forms. I didn't really understand it, but it was entertaining.
Olya and Colya did a freaking amazing jive to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B.
Dasha and Michael did a super sweet contemporary horror dance. Very fun! The song was "Remember horror number?"
Another fun group dance! This one was a sort of "Adam"/garden of eden story? Maybe? It's weird and totally fun and done to Santogold - You'll Find A Way (Switch & Sinden Remix)
I WISH I COULD FIND THIS VIDEO! It was AMAZING! It was a quickstep to Puttin on the Ritz.
Zhenia and Mariam danced a Jazz number that was--no joke--her cast as a Dominatrix.
This group dance was MUCH BETTER in person...The entire beginning is LOST in this video! What you can't see is that everyone is lined side by side, and one by one they start doing very mechanical movements. AWESOME dance, but poor videography.
Masha and Denis did a very dramatic modern number about a prince and a princess on their wedding night! VERY dramatic!
Victoria and Martin did a really cool smooth contemporary dance number. She started out sitting on a chair, but her partner was under a sheet, and so she stood up and started dancing with her partner covered in a sheet. Very cool effect.
Dasha and Michael danced a tango that started with them standing on two chairs! Cool use of the chairs!
Finally, they had a big band number that was really fun, and again, no video.
The absolute last thing they did was bring out a cake to celebrate Oleksander's 21st birthday--and they smashed it in his face, then they had a cake fight on stage.
It was really really amazing and I'm really glad I went.
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